Do you want to fulfill your dream of Plastic Surgery?
Dr. Julia Melo is a Renowned Expert.

Mamoplastia de Aumento Breast Augmentation with Rapid Recovery R24

Breast augmentation with silicone implants is one of the most effective procedures to correct visible breast asymmetry, and breast implants can be used to help correct deformities in tubular breasts.

Mastopexia com Prótese Breast Lift with Implants

Algumas mulheres demonstram plena insatisfação com suas mamas. Um dos motivos principais para essa insatisfação é quando as mamas se apresentam caídas e murchas, com visível falta de plenitude.

Lipo LAD LAD Liposuction

Lipo HD, Lipo LAD, or High-Definition Liposuction are synonyms. These terms refer to a liposuction technique that highlights muscle definition, not just in the abdomen but also in various other muscles such as biceps, triceps, spinal erectors, and quadriceps

Looking for a Plastic Surgeon in Brazil?

Dra. Julia Melo

Dr. Júlia Melo graduated in medicine from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She completed her plastic surgery residency at Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Belo Horizonte. An associate member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, she primarily focuses on body contouring surgery."

In addition to her excellent training, Dr. Júlia believes it is important to stay updated with the most modern techniques in plastic surgery. She completed the Body Sculpting Definition course, specializing in anatomical lipodefinition and definition lipoabdominoplasty."

She has training in advanced breast surgery, offering her patients a 24-hour recovery for breast implant placement. She uses the internal bra technique, Breast Lift with muscle sling support, and L-scar Breast Reduction for mastopexies and breast reductions.

Enthusiastic about intimate surgery, he dedicates himself to the study and improvement of nymphoplasty, clitoropexy, pubic liposuction and labia majora graft surgery.

Dra. Julia Melo
Look at the affection of my patients...

Dr. Júlia won me over on our first meeting! I had never had such a complete consultation, she answered all my doubts and made me feel very confident about carrying out the surgery. I recommend it with my eyes closed. In addition to all her knowledge and competence, she is a super sweet and approachable person. Congratulations!



Excellent professional, very attentive. She explains everything very well, from the first contact I knew I would have my surgery with her and I am loving the results. It met all my expectations!!



Júlia is an incredible professional! From our first contact I realized his high competence, a fact that made me feel very confident. We had a first online meeting, I carried out the recommended tests and we already scheduled our surgery. The entire procedure went super smoothly and Júlia was with me throughout the entire procedure (super attentive and concerned). My result was incredible due to merit and the hands of a great professional fairy!



Gratitude from the secretary Vitória, who was very helpful in the first contact at Clínica Revittá, to all the employees at Thymos Hospital where I performed the surgery, by the way, an excellent hospital. Eternally grateful to God for directing me to Dr. Julia, a highly differentiated professional, who at the first consultation gave me enough confidence so that I could carry out my procedure in less than a month. It was a success, she thinks about every detail, both before and after. My sincere thanks to Dr Júlia for her care, affection and professionalism and may she continue to make dreams come true and with so much mastery. I recommend it without a doubt. It was and still is a wonderful experience.


My Differentials
check Atenção

Comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care, attentive to questions, always available to guide patients.

check Customization

Individualized and careful care, tailored to each patient's needs.

check Comfort

Dr. Júlia provides a comfortable space for consultations and operates in the best hospitals and clinics in Belo Horizonte.

check Qualification

Dr. Júlia has an excellent professional background and is always striving to stay updated to bring the best to her patients.

Why choose me?

Credentialed by SBCP

The best hospitals

Full commitment

Satisfied women and men

For those of you living in the outskirts of BH, another state, or another country, you have the option to schedule your consultation online

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